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Highfield Park
Dublin - Highfield Park
The campus offers a range of choices, from twin rooms to ensuites, studios to gatehouses and townhouses, leaving you spoilt for choice.
Living here will mean that you also have access to an onsite gym and studio, study rooms, shared kitchen spaces, cinema area and even an outdoor walking trail and BBQ areas.
You’ll also be ideally situated just a 5-minute stroll from a LUAS Stop – handy! Brand new in January 2020, Highfield Park is a campus accommodation with lots of green space! It is Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen
Deine Buchung kann kostenlos storniert werden, wenn dein Visaantrag abgelehnt wurde.
Eine Buchung kann kostenlos storniert werden, wenn du die erforderlichen Qualifikationen für die Aufnahme an der Universität deiner Wahl nicht erreicht hast.
Eine Buchung kann aufgrund der aktuellen COVID-19-Situation kostenlos storniert werden
If you sign your Tenancy Agreement on or after 1 June 2021 and you have not collected the keys to your Room, you may cancel your Tenancy, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Residence Manager at the Property, at any time within the period of fourteen (14) days of the date on which you sign your Tenancy Agreement (the “Cooling-Off Period”). Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your Tenancy and will refund your Advance Rent Payment of €300 together with any other payments of Rent you may have made.
If you sign a Tenancy Agreement for a semester 2 or 3 beginning after the 1st January 2022, you may cancel your Tenancy, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Residence Manager at the Property, with no penalty up until 15 November 2021 or 8 weeks before the start of your agreement whichever is the shortest. Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your Tenancy and will refund your Advance Rent Payment of €300 together with any other payments of Rent you may have made. We can only accept full-time students. To live with us whilst studying at University, you will need to be 18 or older. We don’t allow smoking inside your residence, but you’re free to smoke outside.
Bookings made for Semester 2 or 3 starting after the 1st January 2022 If you sign a Tenancy Agreement for a semester 2 or 3 beginning after the 1st January 2022, you may cancel your Tenancy, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Residence Manager at the Property, with no penalty up until 15 November 2021 or 8 weeks before the start of your agreement which ever is the shortest. Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your Tenancy and will refund your Advance Rent Payment together with any other payments of Rent you may have made
If you have not collected your key you may also cancel at any time within the period of fourteen (14) days of the date on which you sign your Tenancy Agreement (the “Cooling-Off Period”). During the cancellation period you may cancel your Tenancy, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Residence Manager at the Property, Once we receive such a notice, we will confirm receipt, cancel your Tenancy and will refund your Advance Rent Payment, together with any other payments of Rent you may have made.
€ 50,00 per person
Die Gebühr ist zu Beginn des Mietverhältnisses zu zahlen
Dublin Connolly Bahnhof
Dublin Pearse Bahnhof
Dublin Heuston Bahnhof
Inner City Nord
O'Connell Street
Ha'Penny Brücke
When you check in we’ll need to see a copy of your ID, and also recommend bringing a printed copy of your tenancy agreement with your signed guarantor forms.
Additional fridges are only allowed in your room if they are for the purpose of storing prescribed medication.
If you sign your Licence to Reside on or after 1 June 2021 and you have not collected the keys to your Room, you may cancel your Licence, by giving notice in writing or by e-mail to the Residence Manager at the Property, at any time within the period of fourteen (14) days of the date on which you sign your Licence to Reside (the Cooling-Off Period). Once they receive the notice, they will confirm cancel your Licence and will refund your Advance Room Fee Payment of €300
There is a one-off, non-refundable €50 fee to cover the administration costs associated with processing your application to live with us.
Contents insurance is not included in your tenancy agreement. It is your obligation to provide your own contents insurance under Irish legislation.
We don’t provide any bed linen or towels in our flats as we find students like to personalise their rooms.
All your rents need to be paid monthly in advance, as set out clearly in the rental agreement you sign at the time of booking. To keep things simple, the total rent due to us needs to be paid monthly in advance in 8 equal payments as per the rental agreement.
To live with us whilst studying at University, you will need to be 18 or older.
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Anzahl der Übernachtungen: 2
Abreisedatum: 8 April 2025
Informationen zur Unterkunft:
Name der Unterkunft: Highfield Park
Mobilnummer: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
Adresse: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
E-Mail: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
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