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IQ Stephenson House
Newcastle upon Tyne - iQ Stephenson House
Das iQ Stephenson House verfügt über neue Sozialräume, darunter eine Lounge, ein Spielzimmer und einen Lernbereich.

Deine Buchung kann kostenlos storniert werden, wenn dein Visaantrag abgelehnt wurde.
Eine Buchung kann kostenlos storniert werden, wenn du die erforderlichen Qualifikationen für die Aufnahme an der Universität deiner Wahl nicht erreicht hast.
Dorms reserve the right to cancel your booking on notice if you notify us after the Deadline that you have decided not to enter into the Tenancy Agreement. We take all reasonable steps to enter into the Tenancy Agreement before the Deadline and you fail to do so, example, if you fail to complete your application or provide guarantor details and supporting documentation on time. You provide us with relevant false or misleading information and/or we are prohibited from entering the Tenancy Agreement because of the Immigration Act 2014 (person disqualified by immigration status). From the date of cancellation, you will not be liable for the contractual obligations laid out in the Tenancy Agreement, irrespective of whether you have signed it.
If you entered into the Tenancy Agreement and you wish to cancel your booking, you remain liable for the contractual obligations set in the Tenancy Agreement and you may not cancel the booking unless you can provide proof that fit any of these criteria: 1) You notify us of your intention to cancel your booking prior to 1 August or, if your Tenancy Start Date (defined in your Tenancy Agreement) is in any month other than September, 28 days before your Tenancy Start Date. 2) You notify us of your intention to cancel within 7 days of payment of your Booking Fee and you have not collected your keys. 3) Your UK Visa application has been denied. 4) You have failed to obtain the required qualifications to get into your first University of choice.
We may also terminate your Tenancy Agreement for any of the reasons set out above, as set out in more detail in clause 2.4 of the Tenancy Agreement itself. If you enter into the Tenancy Agreement, and you then fail to collect your key within 5 weeks of your Tenancy Start Date, we reserve the right to (a) cancel your Booking and terminate the Tenancy Agreement and (b) re-let your room. In these circumstances, any rent paid by you (including any Booking Fee allocated to the first payment of rent) will not be refunded to cover any losses incurred by us for empty unlet rooms. This provision takes precedence over any provisions in the Tenancy Agreement.
Should you fail to gain the required qualifications and not be accepted into the University you stated as your first choice, you may cancel your Tenancy Agreement and we will refund any Booking Fee and any rent payments made so long as you provide the following information within the timescales mentioned below: Written confirmation from you that you wish to cancel your reservation due to having failed to obtain the required grades for your first choice University; and Supporting evidence from the University or UCAS. This information must be provided to us within 72 hours of your exam results being published to be eligible for a Booking Fee refund (if you have paid a Booking Fee) or else any Booking Fee will be retained as a cancellation fee
£ 50,00 per person
Die Gebühr ist zu Beginn des Mietverhältnisses zu zahlen
Die Sicherheit unserer Bewohner hat für uns oberste Priorität. iQ Stephenson House ist videoüberwacht und hat Sicherheitspersonal vor Ort, das 24 Stunden am Tag anwesend ist. Außerdem gibt es in jedem Gebäude ein digitales Zugangssystem. Niemand kann dir auflauern - das heißt, du darfst den Leuten hinter dir die Tür nicht aufhalten, wenn du eintrittst.
Das iQ Stephenson House entspricht den aktuellen Sicherheitsstandards. Unsere Unterkunft verfügt über Brandmeldeanlagen und Brandschutzeinrichtungen und wir führen regelmäßig Tests und Evakuierungsübungen durch. Unsere Gebäude werden außerdem regelmäßig von externen, unabhängigen Beratern geprüft.
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Anzahl der Übernachtungen: 2
Abreisedatum: 5 April 2025
Informationen zur Unterkunft:
Name der Unterkunft: iQ Stephenson House
Mobilnummer: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
Adresse: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
E-Mail: Wird nach der Buchung angezeigt
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Sozial und spaßig
Das iQ Stephenson House verfügt über neue Sozialräume, darunter eine Lounge, ein Spielzimmer und einen Lernbereich.